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Personal database access

Databases should always be accessed using a personal account, and the access should ideally be temporary.


Step 1. Install local binaries

This guide assumes that you have the following installed on your local machine:

We will use the nais postgres command from the CLI to set up the database access.

Step 2. Allow your user to edit Cloud SQL resources for your project

Ensure that you have authenticated gcloud by running

nais login

Step 3. Select the context and namespace of your application

If you have installed kubectx you can use the following command to select the context and namespace of your application:

kubectx <CLUSTER>
kubens <TEAM>

If you do not have kubectx installed, you can use the following command to select the context and namespace of your application:

kubectl config use-context <CLUSTER>
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<TEAM>

Step 3. One-time setup of privileges to SQL IAM users

This is only required once per database instance.

Once the database instance is created, we need to grant the IAM users access to the public schema.

nais postgres prepare <MYAPP>

Prepare will prepare the postgres instance by connecting using the application credentials and modify the permissions on the public schema. All IAM users with correct permissions in your GCP project will be able to connect to the instance.

The default is to allow only SELECT statements. If you need to allow all privileges, you can use the --all-privs flag.

nais postgres prepare --all-privs <MYAPP>

Read more about Grants and Privileges.

Granting temporary personal accessΒΆ

Step 1. Create database IAM user

This is required once per user and requires that you have access to the team's GCP project.

nais postgres grant <MYAPP>

This will give you a limited time access to the database unless there's already an existing permission for your user.

Step 3. Log in with personal user

Use nais postgres proxy to create a secure tunnel to the database.

nais postgres proxy <MYAPP>

This will start a proxy client in the background and print the connection string to the database.

Authenticate using your personal Google account email as username and leave the password empty.

If you'd like to use the psql binary, you can use the following command to connect to the database:

nais postgres psql <MYAPP>

This will create a proxy on a random port and execute the psql binary with the correct connection string.