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Security in NAIS

NAIS is a platform for building, deploying and operating applications in a secure manner. This document describes on a high level how NAIS achieves this and what is expected of those who use NAIS.

Responsibility Segregation

NAIS is a shared responsibility between the application team and the NAIS platform team. The platform team is responsible for providing securing the underlying infrastructure and providing the tools and necessary for secure software development lifecycle, and the application team is responsible for using these tools and following the guidelines provided by the platform team.

Security Principles

NAIS is built on the following security principles:

  1. Defense in depth - NAIS is built on the principle of defense in depth. This means that security is built into every layer of the platform, from the underlying infrastructure to the application code. This is achieved by using multiple layers of security controls, so that if one layer fails, the next layer will provide protection.

  2. Least privilege - NAIS is built on the principle of least privilege. This means that every component of the platform is given the minimum amount of privileges necessary to perform its function. This is achieved by using role-based access control (RBAC) and by using the principle of separation of duties.

  3. Secure by default - NAIS is built on the principle of secure by default. This means that unless explicitly allowed, everything is denied. Workloads are not allowed to communicate with each other unless explicitly allowed by network policies.

Team Isolation

Each team in NAIS has its own isolated environment, which is only accessible by the members of the team. This is achieved by creating a separate Kubernetes namespace and Google Cloud project that is only accessible by the members of the team.

graph LR
subgraph NAIS
  subgraph Kubernetes
    subgraph team-a-ns[Team A]
      team-a-app[App A]

    subgraph team-b-ns[Team B]
      team-b-app[App B]

    subgraph team-c-ns[Team C]
      team-c-app[App C]

  subgraph GCP[Google Cloud]
    subgraph team-a-project[Team A]
      team-a-db[Database A]

    subgraph team-b-project[Team B]
      team-b-db[Database B]

    subgraph team-c-project[Team C]
      team-c-db[Database C]

team-a-app --> team-a-db
team-b-app --> team-b-db
team-c-app --> team-c-db

Teams are managed in NAIS Teams.

Secure Software Development Lifecycle (Secure SDLC)

NAIS is not a complete solution for secure software development lifecycle. It is a platform for building, deploying and operating applications in a secure manner as a part of a larger secure software development lifecycle.

Here is a high level overview of the secure software development lifecycle provided by NAIS:

  1. Build-phase

    1. Secrets
    2. External dependencies
  2. Deploy-phase

    1. Supply Chain
    2. Security Policies
  3. Operate-phase

    1. Developer access
    2. User authentication
    3. Network security
    4. Logging and monitoring



NAIS provides a secure way to store secrets for use by applications. These secrets are encrypted at rest and are only accessible by applications and members of a given team.

External dependencies

NAIS provides a secure way to provision external dependencies like databases and message queues. These external dependencies are created as a part of the application deployment process and are only accessible by the application that they are associated with and nothing else.

External dependencies are created with secure defaults like encryption in-transit and encryption at rest. They are continuously updated by the platform the respective service providers to ensure that they stay up to date with the latest secure features over time.


Supply Chain

NAIS provides a secure way to deploy applications using Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA). This means that every application is deployed using a secure supply chain that ensures that the application is deployed in a secure manner.

Security Policies

NAIS provides a secure way to enforce security policies on applications using Kyverno policy engine. This means that every application is deployed with a set of security policies that ensure that the application is deployed in a secure manner.

The following security policies are enforced by NAIS:

Policy Description
deny-image-registries Deny images from registries not on the list of allowed registries. See documentation:
deny-specific-service-types This policy denies the creation of services with types other than ClusterIP and ExternalName.
disallow-host-namespaces Host namespaces (Process ID namespace, Inter-Process Communication namespace, and network namespace) allow access to shared information and can be used to elevate privileges. Pods should not be allowed access to host namespaces. This policy ensures fields which make use of these host namespaces are unset or set to false.
disallow-host-path HostPath volumes let Pods use host directories and volumes in containers. Using host resources can be used to access shared data or escalate privileges and should not be allowed. This policy ensures no hostPath volumes are in use.
disallow-host-ports Access to host ports allows potential snooping of network traffic and should not be allowed, or at minimum restricted to a known list. This policy ensures the hostPort field is unset or set to 0.
disallow-host-process Windows pods offer the ability to run HostProcess containers which enables privileged access to the Windows node. Privileged access to the host is disallowed in the baseline policy. HostProcess pods are an alpha feature as of Kubernetes v1.22. This policy ensures the hostProcess field, if present, is set to false.
disallow-privilege-escalation Privilege escalation, such as via set-user-ID or set-group-ID file mode, should not be allowed. This policy ensures the allowPrivilegeEscalation field is set to false.
disallow-privileged-containers Privileged mode disables most security mechanisms and must not be allowed. This policy ensures Pods do not call for privileged mode.
disallow-proc-mount The default /proc masks are set up to reduce attack surface and should be required. This policy ensures nothing but the default procMount can be specified. Note that in order for users to deviate from the Default procMount requires setting a feature gate at the API server.
disallow-selinux SELinux options can be used to escalate privileges and should not be allowed. This policy ensures that the seLinuxOptions field is undefined.
restrict-apparmor-profiles On supported hosts, the 'runtime/default' AppArmor profile is applied by default. The default policy should prevent overriding or disabling the policy, or restrict overrides to an allowed set of profiles. This policy ensures Pods do not specify any other AppArmor profiles than runtime/default or localhost/*.
restrict-sysctls Sysctls can disable security mechanisms or affect all containers on a host, and should be disallowed except for an allowed "safe" subset. A sysctl is considered safe if it is namespaced in the container or the Pod, and it is isolated from other Pods or processes on the same Node. This policy ensures that only those "safe" subsets can be specified in a Pod.
restrict-volume-types In addition to restricting HostPath volumes, the restricted pod security profile limits usage of non-core volume types to those defined through PersistentVolumes. This policy blocks any other type of volume other than those in the allow list.
validate-ephemeral-containers Ephemeral containers must use allowed images and have limited capabilities. When using 'kubectl debug' please set flag --profile=restricted. For-example: kubectl debug -it --profile=restricted


Developer access

Developer access control in NAIS is backed by Google Cloud IAM and Kubernetes RBAC. The platform is responsible for setting up the necessary roles and permissions in Google Cloud IAM and Kubernetes RBAC according to the teams registered in NAIS Teams by the developers.

Tools and services provided by the platform to the developers are exposed securely in two ways:

  1. On a private network only accessible to authenticated users over naisdevice to trusted devices using secure WireGuard VPN tunnels.

  2. On a public network behind Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) which ensures that all developers are authenticated with their personal user accounts.

User authentication

User authentication and authorization ("authnz") is the responsibility of each application running on the plattform. Authorization (i.e. "who is allowed to see and do what under which circumstances") is part of the business logic for each domain, so it makes sense that it is handled by the teams in their apps. Doing authnz right is complicated, so the plattform offers a few tools and services to assist.

We recommend using OIDC to authenticate humans. The platform will (given a few lines of configuration) automatically provision clients at our main identity providers Azure AD (for employees) and ID-porten (for the public). The secrets associated with these clients are handled behind the scenes and rotated regularly. To ease handling the OIDC flows we offer our "OIDC as a sidecar" named Wonderwall.

For service to service-communication further down in the call chain we offer our own implementation of the "OAuth2 Token Exchange" standard named TokenX. Using TokenX eliminates the need for shared "service users" with long-lived credentials and wide permissions.

For machine to machine-communication between government agencies "Maskinporten" is widely used. The platform offers the same type of support for integrating with Maskinporten as we do for the other OIDC/OAuth uses cases mentioned above.

Network security

Network security in NAIS is achieved by Access Policy that is backed by Kubernetes Network Policies. This controls traffic between pods in the same cluster as well as outgoing traffic from the cluster.

Pod-to-pod traffic is also protected by mTLS with Linkerd that attaches a sidecar to every pod that handles the encryption and decryption of traffic between pods and authenticates the identity of the pods.

In addition to this, NAIS provides integration with Google Cloud Armor for enhanced network security. This controls incoming traffic to the cluster and adds Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection.

Logging and monitoring

Application logs are collected and stored in Kibana together with infrastructure components running in the cluster.

Application metrics are collected and stored in Prometheus together with infrastructure components running in the cluster.

Infrastructure, network flow logs and IAM audit logs are available from Google Cloud Monitoring.
