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Kyverno policies

Nais enforces certain cluster policies using kyverno, in addition to different baseline security policies you will also find some custom policies for the nais platform.

001 - Add spot toleration

This policy adds a toleration for pods to be deployed to nodes on spot instances, for cost reasons.

002 - Default allow egress

This policy generates a default allow egress NetworkPolicy for all Namespaces. It allows all egress traffic except for RFC 1918 private address space. This policy is based on the following Kubernetes NetworkPolicy:

003 - Deny image registries

This policy denies images from registries not on the list of allowed registries.


Image not from an approved registry. Upload the image to an approved registry and try again.

004 - Deny creation of Kafka Topics

This policy Denies the creation of Kafka Topics. Documentation:


Kafka Topic resource is not supported in this cluster\nDocumentation:

005 - Deny deletion of Kafka topics

This policy Denies the deletion of Kafka topics without the annotation. Documentation:


Deleting Topic is not allowed without the annotation.\nDocumentation:

006 - Deny specific service types

This policy denies the creation of services with types other than ClusterIP and ExternalName. This policy is based on the example policy from the Kyverno documentation.


Service type must be one of ClusterIP or ExternalName in this namespace.

007 - Replace legacy GitHub registry

This policy rewrites references to the old GitHub registry ( with the new one (

008 - Verify SLSA Provenance (Keyless)

This policy uses artifact provenance to identify how an artifact was produced and from where it originated. SLSA provenance is an industry-standard method of representing that provenance. This policy verifies that an image has SLSA provenance and was signed by the expected subject and issuer when produced through GitHub Actions. It requires configuration based upon your own values.

009 - Ephemeral containers with allowed images and limited capabilities

This policies ensures that ephemeral containers use allowed images and have limited capabilities. When using 'kubectl debug' please set flag --profile=restricted. For-example: kubectl debug -it --profile=restricted


The fields spec.ephemeralContainers[].image requires to be set for allowed image see Running as root is not allowed. The fields spec.ephemeralContainers[].securityContext.runAsNonRoot must be true, and spec.ephemeralContainers[*].securityContext.capabilities.drop must be set to - ALL to reduce capabilities. The use of kubectl debug requires to set --profile=restricted.

010 - Aiven operator

This policy denies invalid names and projects, and missing project vpcs. Please see the documentation at or depending on your usecase.


Invalid name. Please see or"

011 - Validate fields for Kafka resources.

This policy validates that the fields for the given resources has allowed values. Currently only validates the pool field.


Kafka pool {{ "{{ request.object.spec.pool }}" | quote }} is not supported in this cluster. Allowed values: [{{ $valid | join ", " }}]

Please see the documentation at

012 - Validate fields for Azure AD resources

This policy validates that Azure AD fields for the given resource has allowed values. Currently only validates the tenant field.


Azure AD tenant "{{ request.object.spec.tenant }}" is not supported in this cluster. Allowed values: [] Please see the documentation at