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nais-cli is a CLI application that provides some useful commands and utilities for interacting with the Nais platform.




See available subcommands under the Reference section in the navigation sidebar.

Flag ordering

nais-cli requires all flags to appear before arguments. Otherwise, the flags will be interpreted as arguments.

βœ… OK:

nais start --topics events appname teamname

❌ Not OK:

nais start appname teamname --topics events


We collect simple telemetry about usage and error messages to get a view of which features are used, and what kind of problems our users have with using the tool. If you don't want to share your usage you can opt out following the Console Do Not Track (DNT) standard.

Copy this into your terminal, or even better add it to your shell-config (for example .zshrc or .bashrc):

export DO_NOT_TRACK=1