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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello NAIS

This tutorial will take you through the process of getting a simple application up and running on NAIS.



Throughout this guide, we will use the following conventions:

  • <MY-APP> - The name of your NAIS application (e.g. joannas-first)
  • <MY-TEAM> - The name of your NAIS team (e.g. onboarding)
  • <GITHUB-ORG> - Your GitHub organization (e.g. navikt)
  • <MY-ENV> - The name of the environment you want to deploy to (e.g. dev)

NB! Choose names with lowercase letters, numbers and dashes only.

โš™ Setup

Create your own GitHub repository

Create your own repo using the nais/hello-nais as a template.

You create a new repository through either the GitHub UI or through the GitHub CLI:

gh repo create <GITHUB-ORG>/<MY-APP> --template nais/hello-nais --private --clone
cd <MY-APP>

Grant your team access to your repository

Open your repository:

gh repo view --web

Click on Settings -> Collaborators and teams -> Add teams.

Select your team, and grant them the Admin role.

You have now successfully created your own application repository and granted your team access to it. In the next steps we will have a closer look at the files needed to make this application NAIS!

For this to happen, we need three files.


This describes the system your application will be running on. It includes the base image, and the commands needed to build your application. This is the payload you are requesting NAIS to run. We have created this file for you, as there are no changes needed for this tutorial. Check it out.

Application manifest

This file describes your application to the NAIS platform so that it can run it correctly and provision the resources it needs.

Create a file called app.yaml in a .nais-folder.

mkdir .nais
touch .nais/app.yaml

Add the following content to the file, and insert the appropriate values in the placeholders on the highlighted lines:

kind: Application

    team: <MY-TEAM>
  name: <MY-APP>
  namespace: <MY-TEAM>
    - https://<MY-APP>.<MY-ENV>
  image: {{image}}
  port: 8080
  ttl: 3h
    max: 1
    min: 1
      cpu: 50m
      memory: 32Mi

Note the ttl: 3h. It sets the "time to live" for your app to 3 hours, in case you start on this tutorial and forget to clean up after.

GitHub Actions workflow

GitHub Actions uses the Dockerfile from step 1 and the app.yaml from step 2. to build and deploy your application to NAIS.

Create a file called main.yaml in a .github/workflows-folder.

mkdir -p .github/workflows
touch .github/workflows/main.yaml

Add the following content to the file, and insert the appropriate values in the placeholders on the highlighted lines:

name: Build and deploy
      - main
    name: Build, push and deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      id-token: write
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: Push docker image to GAR
      uses: nais/docker-build-push@v0
      id: docker-build-push
        team: <MY-TEAM> # Replace
        identity_provider: ${{ secrets.NAIS_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER }} # Provided as Organization Secret
        project_id: ${{ vars.NAIS_MANAGEMENT_PROJECT_ID }} # Provided as Organization Variable
    - name: Deploy to NAIS
      uses: nais/deploy/actions/deploy@v2
        CLUSTER: <MY_CLUSTER> # Replace (1)
        RESOURCE: .nais/app.yaml # This points to the file we created in the previous step
        VAR: image=${{ steps.docker-build-push.outputs.image }}
  1. Cluster in this context is the same as the environment name. You can find the value in workloads/environments.

Excellent! We're now ready to deploy ๐Ÿš€

๐Ÿšข Ship it

Previously we've made our application and created the required files for deployment. In this part of the tutorial we will deploy our application to NAIS.

Authorize the repository for deployment

This is required for the GitHub Actions workflow to be able to deploy your application.

Visit Console. Select your team, and visit the Repositories tab. Find your repository and click Authorize.

Repository not visible?

Normally these permissions are automatically synchronized every 15 minutes, but if you don't see the repository here, force synchronization by clicking the Synchronize team button under the Settings panel.

Commit and push your changes

Now that we have added the required files, it's time to commit and push them to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m "FEAT: Add nais app manifest and github workflow"
git push origin main

Observe the GitHub Actions workflow

When pushed, the GitHub Actions workflow will automatically start. You can observe the workflow by running the following command:

gh run watch
  • Visit your repository on GitHub.
  • Navigate to Actions.
  • Select the latest workflow run.

Visit your application

On successful completion, we can view our application at https://<MY-APP>.<MY-ENV>

Congratulations! You have now successfully deployed your first application to NAIS! The next and most important step is to clean up after ourselves.

๐Ÿงน Clean up

During this tutorial we have

  • created a github repository
  • added the required files for deployment
  • deployed our application to NAIS

Now it's time to clean up after ourselves.

Delete your repository

When you are finished with this guide you can delete your repository:

gh repo delete <GITHUB-ORG>/<MY-APP>
  • Visit your repository on GitHub.
  • Navigate to Settings.
  • At the bottom of the page, click on Delete this repository
  • Confirm the deletion