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OpenTelemetry Metrics

This is a list of metrics exported by the OpenTelemetry SDKs and auto-instrumentation libraries.

General Metrics

The OpenTelemetry SDKs and auto-instrumentation libraries export the following general metrics:

Metric Name Description
target_info Information about the target service, such as the service name, service namespace, and container name.

Target information is exported as a set of labels, including:

Label Name Description Example Value
os_description The operating system description. Linux 6.1.58+
os_type The operating system type. Linux
process_command_args The command arguments used to start the process. ["/usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/java","-jar","/app.jar"]
process_runtime_name The runtime name. OpenJDK Runtime Environment
process_runtime_version The runtime version. 21.0.2+13-LTS
telemetry_sdk_language The telemetry SDK language. java
telemetry_sdk_version The telemetry SDK version. 1.36.0

HTTP Server Metrics

The OpenTelemetry SDKs and auto-instrumentation libraries export the following metrics for HTTP servers:

Metric Name Description
http_server_request_duration_seconds_bucket Duration of HTTP server requests, in seconds (java)
http_server_duration_milliseconds_bucket Duration of HTTP server requests, in milliseconds (node.js)

HTTP Client Metrics

Metric Name Description
http_client_request_duration_seconds_bucket Duration of HTTP client requests, in seconds (java)
http_client_duration_milliseconds_bucket Duration of HTTP client requests, in milliseconds (node.js)

Database Client Connection Metrics

The OpenTelemetry SDKs and auto-instrumentation libraries export the following metrics for database clients:

Metric Name Description
db_client_connections_create_time_milliseconds_bucket Duration of database client connection creation, in milliseconds.
db_client_connections_create_time_milliseconds_count Count of database client connection creations, by duration.
db_client_connections_create_time_milliseconds_sum Sum of database client connection creation durations, in milliseconds.

JVM Metrics

The OpenTelemetry SDKs and auto-instrumentation libraries export the following metrics for JVMs:

Metric Name Description
process_runtime_jvm_buffer_count Count of JVM buffers.
process_runtime_jvm_buffer_limit_bytes Limit of JVM buffer sizes, in bytes.
process_runtime_jvm_buffer_usage_bytes Usage of JVM buffer sizes, in bytes.

Kafka Metrics

The OpenTelemetry SDKs and auto-instrumentation libraries export the following metrics for Kafka clients:

Metric Name Description
kafka_producer_* Metrics for Kafka producers.
kafka_consumer_* Metrics for Kafka consumers.