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Delete RedisΒΆ

This page guides you through the steps required to delete a Redis instance.



Before you delete a Redis instance, ensure that no applications are using it. If you delete a Redis instance in use, the applications will lose access to the data stored in the instance.

List Redis instancesΒΆ

To list all Redis instances belonging to your team:

  1. Open Nais Console in your browser and select your team.
  2. Select the Redis tab
  3. Find the name of the Redis instance you want to delete

Disable termination protectionΒΆ

Before your can delete a specific Redis instance, you must first disable termination protection.

To disable termination protection, run the following command:

kubectl patch redis <REDIS-NAME> \
  --type json \
  -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/terminationProtection", "value": false}]'

Delete Redis instanceΒΆ

To delete the Redis instance, run the following command:

kubectl delete redis <REDIS-NAME>

Remove references from application manifestsΒΆ

Ensure that all references to the Redis instance are removed from your application manifests:

-  redis:
-    - instance: <REDIS-INSTANCE-NAME>
-      access: <ACCESS-LEVEL>