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Migrate to ValkeyΒΆ

If you need to keep the data and your application needs to be available during the migration, reach out to the nais team for assistance.


  • Your app uses Redis for a simple caching store and can handle the data missing at startup.


The steps to migrate differ depending on how your Redis instance has been created:

  1. You created the Redis instance implicitly by adding a redis block to your application manifest.
  2. You created the Redis instance explicitly by creating a Redis resource.

Implicit Redis instanceΒΆ

If you created the Redis instance implicitly by adding a redis block to your application manifest, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the redis block in your application manifest to use valkey instead. The fields are the same.
  2. Deploy the updated application manifest.

Your application is now using Valkey instead of Redis. 3. Prepare Redis for deletion:

kubectl patch redis redis-<TEAM-NAME>-<INSTANCE-NAME> --type json -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/terminationProtection", "value": false}]'

  1. Remove the redis block from your application manifest and deploy the updated manifest.

The Redis instance will now be deleted. 5. Congrats! Your application now uses Valkey instead of Redis.

Explicit Redis instanceΒΆ

If you created the Redis instance explicitly by creating a Redis resource, follow these steps:

  1. Make a copy of your Redis manifest to hold your Valkey manifest.
  2. Update kind from Redis to Valkey.
  3. Change the name from redis-<TEAM-NAME>-<INSTANCE-NAME> to valkey-<TEAM-NAME>-<INSTANCE-NAME>.
  4. Deploy the manifest.
  5. For each application that uses this Redis instance:
  6. Change the redis block in the application manifest to use valkey instead. The fields are the same.
  7. Deploy the updated application manifest.
  8. Delete the Redis manifest from source control so it doesn't get recreated.
  9. Delete the old Redis instance: kubectl delete redis redis-<TEAM-NAME>-<INSTANCE-NAME>.
  10. Congrats! Your application now uses Valkey instead of Redis.