Don't panicΒΆ
Deployment status | Description |
success | Everything is fine, your application has been deployed, and is up and running. |
queued | Deployment request accepted, waiting to be deployed. |
in_progress | Application deployed to Kubernetes, waiting for new version to start. |
failure | Your application failed to start. Check state with kubectl describe app <APP> . |
error | Either an error in your request, or the deployment system has issues. Check the logs. |
First debugging stepsΒΆ
When something is wrong with your application, these kubectl commands should be the first things you check out:
List the pods for your application for a quick overview of their statusΒΆ
Describe a given pod to get more detailed statuses and messagesΒΆ
This may reveal which container is failing and any exit codes that are emitted.
View the logs for your podsΒΆ
This will output the logs from your application container.
If there are other containers in your pod (which you can see from the describe
command above), you may view the
logs by specifying the exact container:
Logs and tracesΒΆ
All deployments have logs collected from all parts of the deployment process.
These logs can be found by following the link from the deploy-action logs in Github.
This link looks like<UUID>&ts=<TIMESTAMP>...
Additionally, there is a link to grafana to show the trace for the deployment.
This link looks like<dashboard_id>/deploy-tracing-drilldown?var-trace_id=<trace id>
Error messagesΒΆ
Message | Action |
502 bad gateway | There is some transient error with GitHub. Please try again later. If the problem persists, ask for help. | is forbidden: User "..." cannot create resource "applications" in API group "" at the cluster scope | You forgot to specify the .namespace attribute in nais.yaml . |
the server could not find the requested resource (total of 1 errors) | The resource is not specifying its namespace. |
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume " |
See secret not found. |
no team specified, and unable to auto-detect from nais.yaml | The resource is missing the "team" label. |
Error: fatal: Unauthenticated: authentication token has expired | The token issued at the start of the github workflow has a lifetime of 10 minutes. Is your workflow taking too long? |
Secret not foundΒΆ
When describing a pod or inspecting the deployment logs, you might find the following message:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedMount 22m (x5 over 22m) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "<secret-name>" : secret "<secret-name>" not found
Some secrets needed to interact with external systems are eventually consistent.
Typically, the message appears on either:
- First-time deployments where the secret has to be provisioned, or
- As part of a secret rotation process
Generally, the warning message should not persist or be stuck for more than a minute.
One exception to this rule is the secrets to connect to Postgres when the application is first deployed. Creating SQLInstances takes time, usually as much as 8-10 minutes, and the first deploy will usually time out and be marked as failed while waiting for the SQLInstance to be created. It will eventually resolve itself, and the next deploy will succeed.
Follow the steps below to verify that the secret exists:
Step 1. Verify Pod eventsΒΆ
If the event log looks like this:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 2m22s default-scheduler Successfully assigned <namespace>/<pod> to <node>
Warning FailedMount 2m20s (x3 over 2m22s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "<secret-name>" : secret "<secret-name>" not found
Normal Pulling 2m18s kubelet Pulling image "<docker-image>"
Normal Pulled 117s kubelet Successfully pulled image "<docker-image>"
Normal Created 61s (x4 over 115s) kubelet Created container <app>
Normal Started 61s (x4 over 115s) kubelet Started container <app>
Then the secret was successfully found and your application's container has been started.
If the event log looks like this:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 4m53s default-scheduler Successfully assigned <namespace>/<pod> to <node>
Warning FailedMount 2m50s kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[<secret-name>], unattached volumes=[<secret-name>]: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning FailedMount 43s (x10 over 4m53s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "<secret-name>" : secret "<secret-name>" not found
Warning FailedMount 35s kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[<secret-name>], unattached volumes=[<secret-name>]: timed out waiting for the condition
Then you should ask for help on Slack.
Step 2. Verify that the Secret existsΒΆ
With kubectl, run the following command to verify that the secret exists:
Step 3. Check related resourcesΒΆ
Depending on which system provides the secret, there are other resources that could contain information about your problem.
By looking at these resources, you can often find the direct cause of the problem.
See the following table for information about which resources you can look at for various kinds of secrets.
Once you know the type of resource, use kubectl describe <resource> <app name>
to look at it.
Typically, you should inspect the Status
parts of the output.
Type of secret | Resource to check |
Postgres user credentials (google-sql-... ) |
sqluser |
Postgres certificates (sqeletor-... ) |
sqlsslcert |
Kafka (aiven-... ) |
aivenapp |
OpenSearch (aiven-... ) |
aivenapp |
Influx (aiven-... ) |
aivenapp |
Valkey (aiven-... ) |
aivenapp |
Entra-ID (azure-... ) |
azureapp |
TokenX (tokenx-... ) |
jwker |
ID porten (idporten-... ) |
idportenclient |
Maskinporten (maskinporten-... ) |
maskinportenclient |
and sqlsslcert
When the SQLInstance is not ready, either because it is still being created, or some modification is being made to it, the sqluser
and sqlsslcert
resources will not be updated, which again blocks creation of secrets.
Possible causes and how to resolve them:
- An existing certificate blocks creation of a new one.
See Certification sync issues for more information. - Attempting to assign a private IP to an existing Cloud SQL instance. See Failing to assign private IP to an existing Cloud SQL instance for more information.
Step 4. Ask for helpΒΆ
If you have followed the above checklist, verified that the secret does not exist, and can't see a reason for that, please contact #nais for further assistance.
Asking on SlackΒΆ
If you read this entire page, and checked your logs, and checked application status with kubectl
, you can ask Slack for help.
Make sure to include the following information:
- Application
- Team tag
- Namespace
- Cluster name
- Link to logs
- What steps you already took to debug the error