Expose FSS apps with KrakenDΒΆ
FSS apps only
KrakendD in Nais is meant as an extra feature for teams using Maskinporten to expose their APIs on-prem (FSS / Fagsystemsonen) to external consumers/partners. Applications that run in GCP should use the Maskinporten functionality directly.
Status: Beta
This feature is only in a beta.
Experimental: this feature is in its early stages and awaits user feedback - breaking changes may be introduced in the future.
Please report any issues and feedback to the #eksponere-eksterne-apier-fra-gcp or #nais channel on Slack.
What is KrakenDΒΆ
KrakenD is an open-source API Gateway that sits in front of your Maskinporten APIs and provides a single point of entry for API clients.
KrakenD in NaisΒΆ
Each team can get their own instance of KrakenD deployed in their namespace. The KrakenD instance will be configured to require JWT tokens, and API endpoints can be added in a declarative manner using the ApiEndpoints custom resource
The KrakenD instances and config for exposing APIs are managed by the krakend-operator.
To get KrakenD installed in your namespace - the namespace must have a label krakend.nais.io/enabled: "true"
If you do not have permissions to add this label, please contact the Nais team and we will add it for you. After beta testing, we will add more automation to this process.
When KrakenD is installed in your namespace you will get an ingress for your KrakenD instance at:
Note for on-prem
See Use Cases below for more details on how to expose your API to external consumers from on-prem via GCP. If you already have a special "pub" ingress for your app and you do maskintoken validation already you can expose that directly to KrakenD in GCP instead.
You can then add API endpoints to your KrakenD instance by creating one or more ApiEndpoints
custom resources in your namespace.
Adding API endpointsΒΆ
To add API endpoints to your KrakenD instance, you need to create an ApiEndpoints
custom resource in your namespace.
The ApiEndpoints
resource splits the configuration of an app's API endpoints into two parts:
- secure API endpoints requiring authenticationopenEndpoints
- open API endpoints not requiring authentication, e.g. documentation or OpenAPI specs
Currently we support the following KrakenD features:
- JWT validation
- Rate-limiting: if rate-limiting is defined it is applied to all
defined in theApiEndpoints
apiVersion: krakend.nais.io/v1
kind: ApiEndpoints
name: app1
appName: app1
name: maskinporten
cache: true
scopes: # specify the scopes or audience your app requires here, by using the keys audience or scope. can also be omitted
- "nav:some/other/scope"
rateLimit: # optionally specify rate-limiting for your app, see https://www.krakend.io/docs/endpoints/rate-limit/#configuration for details
maxRate: 10
clientMaxRate: 0
every: 1s
strategy: ip
capacity: 0
clientCapacity: 0
endpoints: # specify your API endpoints requiring auth here
- path: /app1/somepath # path for your API endpoint in KrakenD - must be unique within your namespace
method: GET
timeout: 5s # optionally specify a timeout for the entire roundtrip to your backend, see https://www.krakend.io/docs/endpoints/#timeout
forwardHeaders: # if your backend validates tokens, you need to forward the Authorization header
- Authorization
queryParams: # if your api uses query params, you need to specify the names here
- foo
- bar
backendHost: http://app1 # the service url or ingress for your app
backendPath: /api/somepath # the path to your API endpoint in your app
openEndpoints: # specify your open API endpoints here
- path: /app1/doc
method: GET
backendHost: http://app1
backendPath: /doc
KrakenD requirements on paths, query params and headers
There are some strict requirements on specifying paths, query params and headers in KrakenD, see the ApiEndpoints CRD and corresponding Krakend Doc for details.
Use casesΒΆ
Expose an API to external consumers from on-prem via GCPΒΆ
If your app already have a special "pub" ingress, ref explanation here, you can enable KrakenD in your namespace in GCP and add API endpoints to your KrakenD instance there, i.e. point to your pub ingress.
apiVersion: krakend.nais.io/v1
kind: ApiEndpoints
name: gcp-app1
appName: does-not-matter
name: maskinporten
cache: true
- "nav:some/other/scope"
endpoints: # specify your API endpoints requiring auth here
- path: /app1/somepath # path for your API endpoint in KrakenD - must be unique within your namespace
method: GET
timeout: 5s # optionally specify a timeout for the entire roundtrip to your backend, see https://www.krakend.io/docs/endpoints/#timeout
forwardHeaders: # if your backend validates tokens, you need to forward the Authorization header
- Authorization
backendHost: https://app1.dev-fss-pub.nais.io
backendPath: /api/somepath # the path to your API endpoint in your app
apiVersion: krakend.nais.io/v1
kind: ApiEndpoints
name: gcp-app1
appName: does-not-matter
name: azuread
cache: true
- "the_value_of_aud"
endpoints: # specify your API endpoints requiring auth here
- path: /app1/somepath # path for your API endpoint in KrakenD - must be unique within your namespace
method: GET
forwardHeaders: # if your backend validates tokens, you need to forward the Authorization header
- Authorization
backendHost: https://app1.dev-fss-pub.nais.io
backendPath: /api/somepath # the path to your API endpoint in your app
Expose a legacy API to external consumers from on-prem via GCPΒΆ
If you have a legacy app on-prem without a special "pub" ingress you must enable KrakenD both in your namespace on-prem and gcp. ApiEndpoints must then be added in both clusters, but with different backendHosts. There will be token validation in both clusters.