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Maskinporten referenceΒΆ


See the Access Token reference in Maskinporten for a list of all claims.

Runtime Variables & CredentialsΒΆ

Your application will automatically be injected with environment variables at runtime.

Variables for acquiring tokensΒΆ

These variables are used to 🎯 consume an external API.

Name Description
MASKINPORTEN_CLIENT_ID Client ID that uniquely identifies the client in Maskinporten.
MASKINPORTEN_CLIENT_JWK Private JWK (RSA) for the client.
MASKINPORTEN_WELL_KNOWN_URL The well-known URL for the metadata discovery document
MASKINPORTEN_ISSUER issuer from the metadata discovery document.
MASKINPORTEN_TOKEN_ENDPOINT token_endpoint from the metadata discovery document.

Variables for validating tokensΒΆ

These variables are used to 🎯 secure your API.

Name Description
MASKINPORTEN_WELL_KNOWN_URL The well-known URL for the metadata discovery document
MASKINPORTEN_ISSUER issuer from the metadata discovery document.
MASKINPORTEN_JWKS_URI jwks_uri from the metadata discovery document.

Scope NamingΒΆ

A Maskinporten scope consists of a prefix and a subscope:

scope := <prefix>:<subscope>


The prefix is set to nav for all scopes.


A subscope should describe the resource to be exposed as accurately as possible. It consists of three parts; product, separator and name:

subscope := <product><separator><name>

The product is a logical grouping of resources, such as arbeid, helse, or pensjon.


The separator should be set to /.


The name describes the resource itself. It may contain multiple parts separated by /.

The name may also contain a suffix to separate between access levels. For instance, you could separate between write access:

name := sykepenger/afp.write

...and read access:

name := sykepenger/


For the following scope definition:

    enabled: true
        # nav:helse/sykepenger/
        - enabled: true
          product: "helse"
          separator: "/"
          name: "sykepenger/"

the subscope is then:

subscope := helse/sykepenger/

which results in the fully qualified scope:

scope := nav:helse/sykepenger/


See the πŸ“š Nais application reference.