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Auth referenceΒΆ

Libraries for mockingΒΆ

Libraries and frameworks for validating and acquiring tokensΒΆ

Below is a list of some well-known and widely used libraries for handling OAuth, OpenID Connect, and token validation.



See also for a non-comprehensive list for many other various languages.

Token generatorsΒΆ

In some cases, you want to locally develop and test against a secured API in the development environments. You will need a token to access said API.

See the respective identity provider pages for details on acquiring such tokens:

Login proxyΒΆ

Reference documentation for the login proxy provided by Nais. Supported identity providers:

Login proxy is only available in GCP

Login proxy is only available in GCP clusters, and will not work in on-prem clusters.


Autologin is not enabled by default. To enable autologin:

      autoLogin: true
      autoLogin: true

Autologin responseΒΆ

Responses returned by autologin depends on the type of request.

Top-level navigation requests result in a HTTP 302 Found response.

What is a top-level navigation request?

A top-level navigation request is a GET request that fulfills at least one of the following properties:

  1. Has the Fetch metadata request headers Sec-Fetch-Dest=document and Sec-Fetch-Mode=navigate, or
  2. Has an Accept header that includes text/html
Top-level navigation request
GET /some/path

Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Referer: https://<ingress>/original/path
HTTP/2 302 Found
Location: https://<ingress>/oauth2/login?redirect=/original/path

This automatically redirects the user to the login endpoint. To preserve the user's original location, the redirect parameter is set to the request's Referer header. If the Referer header is empty, the matching ingress context path is used.

Non-navigation requests result in an equivalent response, but with the HTTP 401 Unauthorized status code:

What is a non-navigation request?

Non-navigation requests are any requests that aren't considered top-level navigation requests. Examples include:

  • Non-GET requests, such as POST or PUT requests
  • Any browser request that uses the Fetch or XMLHttpRequest APIs
Non-navigation request
GET /some/path

Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Referer: https://<ingress>/original/path
HTTP/2 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json

{"error": "unauthenticated, please log in"}

Ensure that your frontend code handles HTTP 401 responses and appropriately notifies the user and/or redirects them to the login endpoint.

Autologin exclusionsΒΆ

Autologin matches all paths for your application's ingresses, except the following:

You can exclude additional paths by exact match or wildcard patterns:

      autoLogin: true
        - /exact/path
        - /api/v1/*
        - /api/**
      autoLogin: true
        - /exact/path
        - /api/v1/*
        - /api/**

The paths must be absolute paths. The match patterns use glob-style matching:

  • Trailing slashes in paths and patterns are ignored.
  • A single asterisk (/*) is non-recursive. This matches any subpath directly below the path, excluding itself and any nested paths.
  • Double asterisks (/**) is recursive. This matches any subpath below the path, including itself and any nested paths.
Example match patterns (click to expand)
/allowed or /allowed/

Trailing slashes in paths and patterns are effectively ignored during matching.

βœ… matches:

  • /allowed
  • /allowed/

❌ does not match:

  • /allowed/nope
  • /allowed/nope/

A single asterisk after a slash means any subpath directly below the path, excluding itself and any nested paths.

βœ… matches:

  • /public/a

❌ does not match:

  • /public
  • /public/a/b

Double asterisks after a slash means any subpath below the path, including itself and any nested paths.

βœ… matches:

  • /public
  • /public/a
  • /public/a/b

❌ does not match:

  • /not/public
  • /not/public/a

A single asterisk matches any sequence of characters within a path segment.

βœ… matches:

  • /any
  • /anything
  • /anywho

❌ does not match:

  • /any/thing
  • /anywho/mst/ve

βœ… matches:

  • /a/b/c
  • /a/bee/cee

❌ does not match:

  • /a
  • /a/b
  • /a/b/c/d

βœ… matches:

  • /static/bundle.js
  • /static/min/bundle.js
  • /static/vendor/min/bundle.js

❌ does not match:

  • /static
  • /static/some.css
  • /static/min
  • /static/min/some.css
  • /static/vendor/min/some.css


The following endpoints are available under your application's ingress:

Path Description Details
GET <ingress>/oauth2/login Redirect the user agent here to initiate login. Login endpoint
GET <ingress>/oauth2/logout Redirect the user agent here to initiate logout. Logout endpoint
GET <ingress>/oauth2/session Must be requested from user agent. Returns the current user's session metadata Session endpoint
POST <ingress>/oauth2/session/refresh Must be requested from user agent. Refreshes the tokens and returns the session metadata for the current user Session refresh endpoint

Login endpointΒΆ

This endpoint initiates the authentication flow. It is available at:


To log in an end-user, redirect them to this endpoint. After login, they are by default redirected back to the matching context path for your application's ingress:

  • / for https://<app>
  • /path for

Supported query parameters:


Overrides the default redirect:


Value must be an URL encoded absolute path.


Prompts the user to select an account at the identity provider. Useful for switching between multiple accounts.


Value must be select_account.

Logout endpointΒΆ

This endpoint triggers single-logout. It is available at:


To log out an end-user, redirect them to this endpoint. After logout, they are by default redirected back to a preconfigured URL.

Supported query parameters:


Overrides the default redirect:


Value must be an URL encoded absolute path.

Session endpointΒΆ

This endpoint returns metadata about the end-user's session as a JSON object. Requests to this endpoint must be triggered from the user agent.

GET /oauth2/session
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "session": {
    "active": true,
    "created_at": "2022-08-31T06:58:38.724717899Z", 
    "ends_at": "2022-08-31T16:58:38.724717899Z",
    "ends_in_seconds": 14658,
    "timeout_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "timeout_in_seconds": -1
  "tokens": {
    "expire_at": "2022-08-31T14:03:47.318251953Z",
    "expire_in_seconds": 4166
    "next_auto_refresh_in_seconds": -1,
    "refreshed_at": "2022-08-31T12:53:58.318251953Z",
    "refresh_cooldown": false,
    "refresh_cooldown_seconds": 0

The table below describes the different fields in the JSON response.

Session Metadata Field Descriptions (click to expand)
Field Description Whether or not the session is active. If false, the session cannot be refreshed and the user must be redirected to login to obtain a new session.
session.created_at The timestamp that denotes when the session was first created.
session.ends_at The timestamp that denotes when the session will end. After this point, the session is expired and the user must be redirected to login to obtain a new session.
session.ends_in_seconds The number of seconds until session.ends_at.
session.timeout_at The timestamp that denotes when the session will time out. The zero-value, 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z, means no timeout.
session.timeout_in_seconds The number of seconds until session.timeout_at. A value of -1 means no timeout.
tokens.expire_at The timestamp that denotes when the tokens within the session will expire.
tokens.expire_in_seconds The number of seconds until tokens.expire_at.
tokens.next_auto_refresh_in_seconds The number of seconds until the earliest time where the tokens will automatically be refreshed. A value of -1 means that automatic refreshing is not enabled.
tokens.refreshed_at The timestamp that denotes when the tokens within the session was last refreshed.
tokens.refresh_cooldown A boolean indicating whether or not the refresh operation is on cooldown or not.
tokens.refresh_cooldown_seconds The number of seconds until the refresh operation is no longer on cooldown.

This endpoint will respond with the following HTTP status codes on errors:

  • HTTP 401 Unauthorized - no session cookie or matching session found, or maximum lifetime reached
  • HTTP 500 Internal Server Error - the login proxy wasn't able to process the request

Otherwise, an HTTP 200 OK is returned with the metadata with the application/json as the Content-Type.

Note that this endpoint will still return HTTP 200 OK for inactive sessions, as long as the session is not expired. This allows application to display errors before redirecting the user to login on timeouts. The HTTP status code alone is insufficient to determine the session state.

Session refresh endpointΒΆ

This endpoint allows for refreshing the end-user's session on demand. Requests to this endpoint must be triggered from the user agent.

Using this endpoint is only necessary when session inactivity timeouts are enabled. The end-user should be prompted to extend their session in accordance with WCAG 2.2.1.

The endpoint will respond with a HTTP 401 Unauthorized if the session is inactive. It is otherwise equivalent to the session endpoint.

POST /oauth2/session/refresh
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "session": {
    "active": true,
    "created_at": "2022-08-31T06:58:38.724717899Z", 
    "ends_at": "2022-08-31T16:58:38.724717899Z",
    "ends_in_seconds": 14658,
    "timeout_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "timeout_in_seconds": -1
  "tokens": {
    "expire_at": "2022-08-31T14:03:47.318251953Z",
    "expire_in_seconds": 4166,
    "next_auto_refresh_in_seconds": 3866,
    "refreshed_at": "2022-08-31T12:53:58.318251953Z",
    "refresh_cooldown": true,
    "refresh_cooldown_seconds": 37

Session managementΒΆ

A user's session can be inspected by requesting the session endpoint from their user agent.

Session lifetimeΒΆ

Sessions have a maximum lifetime, after which the user is unauthenticated and must perform a new login.

Identity provider Maximum lifetime
ID-porten 6 hours
Entra ID 10 hours

Session inactivity timeoutΒΆ

Sessions may have an inactivity timeout. If enabled, the session is marked as invalid if the timeout has been reached. The timeout is reset each time the user's session is refreshed through the session refresh endpoint.

Identity provider Inactivity timeout
ID-porten βœ… Yes, 1 hour
Entra ID ❌ No timeout

If inactivity timeout is not enabled, the tokens within the session are automatically refreshed until the session reaches its maximum lifetime.

Automatic session management for ID-porten

nav-dekoratoren displays warnings for sessions nearing lifetime expiry or inactivity timeout, and supports user-initiated session refresh operations.

You do not need to implement your own session management logic if you use nav-dekoratoren.

The durations for maximum lifetime and inactivity timeout are subject to change. Do not hard-code or depend on these exact values in your application. Prefer using the metadata returned by the session endpoint to determine the session's state.


Reference documentation for Token Exchange as a Service (Texas).

Environment VariablesΒΆ

The following environment variables are available for your application to interact with Texas:

Variable Description
NAIS_TOKEN_ENDPOINT URL to token endpoint. Use this when you need a token for machine-to-machine interactions without end-user involvement.
NAIS_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_ENDPOINT URL to token exchange endpoint. Use this when you need to call another API on behalf of a logged-in end-user.
NAIS_TOKEN_INTROSPECTION_ENDPOINT URL to token introspection endpoint. Use this to validate a token and receive its claims in the response.

OpenAPI specificationΒΆ