Enable Leader ElectionΒΆ
This guide will show you how to enable leader election for your application.
Enable leader election in manifestΒΆ
Using leader election in your application (simple API)ΒΆ
// Implementation of getJSONFromUrl is left as an exercise for the reader
class Leader {
public static boolean isLeader() {
String electorUrl = System.getenv("ELECTOR_GET_URL");
JSONObject leaderJson = getJSONFromUrl(electorUrl);
String leader = leaderJson.getString("name");
String hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostname();
return hostname.equals(leader);
import * as os from 'node:os'
export async function isLeader(): Promise<boolean> {
const hostname = os.hostname()
const electorUrl = process.env.ELECTOR_GET_URL
const electorResponse = await fetch(electorUrl)
if (!electorResponse.ok) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to fetch leader from ${electorUrl}, response: ${electorResponse.status} ${electorResponse.statusText}`,
const result: { name: string; last_update: string } = await electorResponse.json()
return result.name === hostname
Using leader election in your application (Server Sent Events API)ΒΆ
Help Wanted! Please contribute with examples on how to use the Server Sent Events API.
WebFlux to create a subscription, and an ApplicationEvent to inform about changes.
class LederUtvelger :ApplicationListener<LeaderChangedEvent> {
private val hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().hostName
var erLeder : Boolean = false
override fun onApplicationEvent(event: LeaderChangedEvent) {
erLeder = event.leder == hostname
class SSEHandler(builder: Builder, @Value("\${elector.sse.url}") uri: URI, publisher: ApplicationEventPublisher) {
init {
.bodyToFlux(LederUtvelgerRespons::class.java).subscribe {
data class LederUtvelgerRespons(val name: String, val last_update: LocalDateTime)
class LeaderChangedEvent(source: Any, val leder: String) : ApplicationEvent(source)
Using sseclient
to subscribe to the leader election events, and passing them to a handler function.
Probably needs to be run in a separate thread.